Bowen Therapy and NST, Gloucestershire

Bowen Technique- Susan Ryrie Therapies

Why Bowen Therapy and NST?

These gentle, but powerful, techniques are very relaxing, and can help relieve everyday stresses and bring an improved sense of wellbeing. The most common reasons for people to seek my help are the common musculoskeletal problems such as back pain, frozen shoulder, stiff joints, fatigue, or other aches and pains. However, people have reported improvements in a much wider list of issues and symptoms, and the website of the Bowen Therapy Professional Association carries a comprehensive list of those that might be helped, together with testimonials that tell the stories (BTPA).

Bowen Technique- Susan Ryrie Therapies

What is Bowen Technique?

Bowen technique and NST use a very specific ‘rolling’ type of movement across the fibres of the muscle, at key postural positions. The pressure is very light, but there can still be some soreness if the muscle is very tense – a good measure of the effectiveness of releasing the tension is that if the ‘move’ is repeated, there is generally less discomfort because there is less tension! In addition, I sometimes include some fascia release procedures from the Fascia Bowen work developed by Howard Plummer, which use an even lighter – almost feather light – pressure. 

People often wonder about the ‘2 minute breaks’ that are a part of every Bowen session. These are included to allow the body to assimilate the input, and produce the necessary changes. The practitioner does not make ‘adjustments’ or give ‘commands’. Instead, the gentle pressure provides input, to allow the body to make necessary changes, and ‘asks a question’. The 2 minute breaks provide opportunity for the response, the body’s ‘auto-regulation’, to take effect. 

Bowen Technique- Susan Ryrie Therapies

My experience

For many years I suffered from significant back problems. Eventually I was helped by cranial osteopathy, and I continued treatments with this for a long time. When I started my Bowen training, the training workshops replaced the need for appointments with my osteopath; this technique was bringing further improvements, even in the hands of trainees!

Our bodies are very resilient, but that ability to adapt, means that we may be carrying, unnoticed, numerous layers of compensation. At some point, the body may reach the limit where it can no longer cope; the last straw can break the camel’s back; the final teaspoon of water can cause the bucket to overflow. In my case it was a simple act of leaning across to wipe the back of the kitchen worktop that provoked symptoms that seemed to be out of all proportion.

Musculoskeletal maintenance is now as important to me as regular check-ups with the dentist and optician. It took a period of serious levels of pain, and years of using the Bowen technique to realise the truth of this.


Human Bowen and Neurostructural Integration Techniques

£50 for 1 hour consultation

All consultations are at:

Castle Clinic
15 The Plain
South Gloucestershire
BS35 2BD

Please contact me directly for all enquiries on 07775 808314, and to book an appointment.

“I felt ‘lighter’ after my Bowen session, I am sleeping better, and have more energy. I managed my walking holiday without needing painkillers at all.”